all postcodes in S8 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S8 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S8 7AA 1 53.338712 -1.482311
S8 7BB 0 53.328416 -1.496039
S8 7BD 0 53.334622 -1.501342
S8 7BE 1 53.335309 -1.491408
S8 7BF 3 53.327395 -1.488604
S8 7BG 0 53.334323 -1.490143
S8 7BH 0 53.333902 -1.490298
S8 7BJ 0 53.330152 -1.48779
S8 7BL 0 53.330236 -1.48866
S8 7BN 4 53.327724 -1.487624
S8 7BP 7 53.327852 -1.488058
S8 7BQ 0 53.329572 -1.486791
S8 7BR 0 53.330518 -1.487411
S8 7BS 0 53.332142 -1.488638
S8 7BT 0 53.331085 -1.489507
S8 7BU 0 53.328872 -1.489143
S8 7BW 0 53.326456 -1.491724
S8 7BX 0 53.326629 -1.492157
S8 7BY 0 53.324534 -1.496341
S8 7BZ 0 53.324787 -1.496563